
ClassYear GroupTermly FeeVATSchool LunchTotal
Chorister School    
Day PupilFS1 - Full time provisionTBC ^              
Day PupilFS2 - Year 2£3,893*£778.60**          £308£4,979.60
Day Pupil Prep School 3 - 6£4,999*£999.80£308£6,306.80
Cathedral Chorister (day)Prep School 3 - 8£2,183*£436.60              £308£2,927.60
Durham School    
Day PupilSenior School 7 - 8£5,694*£1,138.80      £308£7,140.80
Day PupilSenior School 9 - 13£6,231*£1,246.20          £308£7,785.20
Weekly BoarderSenior School 7 - 8£10,329£2,065.80                              £12,394.80
Weekly BoarderSenior School 9 - 13£12,590£2,518.00                                           £15,108
Full BoardingSenior School 7 - 8£12,008£2,401.60                                           £14,409.60
Full BoardingSenior School 9 - 13£14,110£2,822                                                 £16,932
Overseas Day PupilSenior School 7 - 8£6,181*£1,236.20          £308£7,725.20
Overseas Day PupilSenior School 9 - 13£6,701*£1,340.20          £308£8,349.20
Overseas Boarder - WeeklySenior School 7 - 8£11,212£2,242.40                                           £13,454.40
Overseas Boarder - WeeklySenior School 9 - 13£13,540£2,708                                                                                             £16,248
Overseas Boarder - FullSenior School 7 - 8£13,033£2,606.60                                           £15,639.60
Overseas Boarder - FullSenior School 9 - 13£15,175£3,035                                                £18,210
Flexi Boarding (2 nights per week)    £120***
Occasional Boarding £65  £65

As a member of the Early Years Funding Scheme^ , these fees are shown after deducting the early years funding contribution and are based on the full-time provision. If you would like part-time provision, please contact the School for a specific fee quotation. 

* The charge for lunches will be £308 per term. Please note that this charge is compulsory.

** VAT applicable from 5 years old only.

+ Cathedral Choristers are entitled to two boarding nights per week at no extra cost.

*** Subject to T&C's

Fees, Costs & Extras


Notice of Withdrawal

A full term's notice is required when a pupil leaves the school, or when he/she changes status from day to boarding or vice versa, or when a place that is accepted is cancelled.

Scholarships and Bursaries

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