This assistance comes in the form of scholarships and or bursaries outlined below.

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King's Scholarships

These academic awards are available for candidates at 11+ and 13+ entering Year 7 and 9.

The heritage of the King's Scholarship dates back to 1541 and the time of King Henry VIII. The King took a personal interest in the continuation of Durham School following the Reformation. Records show the Crown paid an annual grant for the education of King's Scholars at Durham School.

 At 11+, scholarships are awarded on the basis of performance in the entrance assessments plus an interview with the Headmaster or Head of Year Seven. 

At 13+, there is a separate scholarship examination in English and Mathematics, followed by an interview. This is offered to candidates who perform well in the 13+ entrance assessments. 

These scholarships are available for the entirety of a pupil’s education and are worth £1,000 per annum. Successful applicants can apply for up to 50% additional discount from the day fee, subject to appropriate means testing.


Burkitt Scholarships

Burkitt Scholarships are awarded to candidates at 16+ entering Year 12. Candidates must sit tests in English, mathematics and reasoning, as well as attending an interview with a senior member of staff. 

Burkitt awards are funded by the Burkitt Trust are a fixed award of £1,000 per year. This can be supplemented by mean-tested bursaries up to 50% off school fees. Burkitt scholars are also eligible for support worth up to £1,000 per annum if successful in gaining entry to either Oxford or Cambridge Universities.

View Our Burkitt Scholarship Prospectus


Peter Lee Scholarships

This scholarship, funded by a bequest from Peter Lee OD, is only available for academically and musically elite pupils of Chinese ancestry. Up to 50% funding is available for the top performing candidate. Bursary awards, up to the value of 30% reduction in fees, may also be offered to top performing candidates achieving outstanding results in the examination.

 A GCSE tariff of 6 A* and A grades are set as a condition of the award. Candidates not following this curriculum must be able to offer an equivalent qualification(s). Elite musical talent must be demonstrated with a minimum of Grade 7 on their principal instrument with preferably a Merit or Distinction level. Ability on a second instrument is desirable but not essential.


Other Scholarships & Awards

In addition to Academic Scholarships we also offer a limited number of awards at 11+, 13+ and 16+ in a range of other disciplines such as: Art, Drama, Design Technology, Music and Sport. 

Applicants who are successful in securing one of these awards will enjoy a £1,000 reduction in school fees each year. They can also access financial assistance of up to 50% of the fees, subject to means testing. 

Applicants can apply for more than one award. Please note, the financial remission is only available for the first award, all other awards secured are honorary.

In addition, Music Scholarships offer free music tuition on two instruments (voice included).

Pupils in receipt of Art, Design Technology, Drama and Music awards are expected to continue their studies in those disciplines to GCSE, and in Sport to play an active role in the school’s games programmes and fixture list. Those not continuing study to A Level must continue to offer a role in the life of the school in that discipline. 

Each discipline will have a set of expectations that each scholar is required to fulfil which will form part of the annual review process. Where a candidate has been successful in gaining more than one award, second and subsequent awards are honorary and do not generate any discount against fees.


Cathedral Choristers

Children who successfully apply to join the Durham Cathedral Choir are enrolled in the Durham Cathedral Schools Foundation.

In recognition of the tremendous dedication and commitment they give alongside their studies, Cathedral Choristers pay a greatly reduced fee of £2,183 per term.


Financial Assistance

If required, financial assistance in the form of a Governors' Bursary may be available at any point in your child's school career, including on admission. This is discretionary and is granted only after the assessment of parents' financial circumstances. 

Any financial assistance granted is reviewed on a regular basis and subject to satisfactory performance and conduct on the part of the pupil. A Confidential Financial Circumstances Form can be obtained from the Finance Office at the Durham School.

For more information on scholarships and bursaries, please contact our Admissions Office on 0191 731 9270 or [email protected].


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