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Pre-School and Pre-Prep Weekly Blog
Chorister pre-prep

It has been wonderful to see how well the children have settled back into their learning after half term.  This week Pre School have explored the story of ‘The Everywhere Bear’ and have focused on different settings. The road became a popular theme, contrasted with the countryside and there was even a ‘mindfulness garden’ created out of Lego! Year 1 have been learning about 3D Shapes this week in Mathematics. They enjoyed constructing 3D Shapes using shape nets to learn about their properties and structure and they did a fantastic job of matching and sorting them. Year 2 have worked very hard all week, they also been sorting 3D shapes using Carroll, Branching and Venn Diagrams.  They have also been learning about foxes, and describing their own remote island as part of their ‘Wild Things’ theme.  They thoroughly deserved their Golden Time on Friday where they were very creative.


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Pre-School and Pre-Prep Weekly Blog