Over the Easter break, Blake Pehrson in Year 12 has taken part in an online Engineering Masterclass day which was organised by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University.
Talking about the day, Blake said:
The day consisted of four parts. The first was a lecture of ‘biologically inspired robots’ which explored how to apply artificial intelligence and learning to physical robots. It addressed the need for this technology and the practical and moral difficulties with doing so. The second was a Q&A with undergrad students and then a quick tour of the school. The third gave advice on making a competitive application. They explained what they looked for and the value put on different parts of the application. The fourth was another lecture explaining the process and uses of artificial underground freezing. The talk primarily spoke from a construction perspective but later explained the research being done and to be done in this area.
I love going to lectures on the topics of Maths, Physics, Engineering and Chemistry. When I saw that such an accomplished university was offering this course I decided it would be an interesting and exciting event. My favourite part of the day was the first lecture on the robots. I especially enjoyed the exploration of making artificial intelligence produce physical products. Additionally, they explored several functions and algorithms to help explain the difficulties with I appreciated and maths is my favourite subject.
Alongside his A levels, Blake is doing an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).
Blake said:
My EPQ is purposefully separated from my primary school interests. I am producing a short 3D animation based on a Star Wars comic. I've made the scene, and most of the characters. I'm in the process of finalising the textures and some equipment. I am yet to start the lighting or special effects. Additionally, I have arranged to use voice acting from a voice acting group.
After Sixth Form, Blake hopes to go on to read Maths at either Oxford or Cambridge University.